Study on effect of planting time on seed yield, oil content and someagronomic traits of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) genotypes under moderate cold and cold dryland condition


1 Deputy Dryland Agricultural Research Institute, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension (AREEO), Kermanshah, Iran

2 Dryland Agricultural Research Institute, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Maragheh, Iran


The present study was carried out to investigate the effects of three sowing times (fall, entezari and spring) on agronomic characteristics, seed yield and oil content of 15 safflower genotypes under rainfed conditions in moderate cold and cold regions of Iran. Field experiments were conducted based on randomized complete block design with three replications in the Dryland Agricultural Research stations Sararood-Kermanshah and Maragheh during two cropping seasons 2011-2013. Results of combined ANOVA showed that the main effects of year, planting date, genotype and their interactions were significant for some of the traits in both locations. In Sararood, winter (fall or entezari) sowings showed higher values of the traits than spring sowing, but yields did not differ significantly between fall and entezari sowings. The highest seed yield in fall and entezari sowings (687 and 705 Kg/ha, respectively) and the lowest in spring sowing (331 Kg/ha) was observed. In Maragheh, fall sowing also showed superiority for most of the traits. However, the average seed yield of sowing times (fall, entezari and spring) were not significantly differerent (645, 569 and 648 Kg/ha, respectively). There were no significant difference between fall and spring sowing dates for oil content in both of locations. Winter (fall or entezari) sowings for Sararood and entezari and spring sowings for Maragheh were recommended. In both of stations, no relationship was found between yield and its components so, direct selection for yield were more appropriate. According to the sowing times, different genotypes to obtain the highest rainfed yield potential were selected in both locations.


Main Subjects