Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. student in crop plant ecology, department of plant genetics and production engineering, faculty of agriculture, Maragheh University, Maragheh

2 University of Maragheh, GolAssistant Professor, Department of Production Engineering and Plant Genetics, Faculty of Agriculture, Maragheh University, Maraghehshahr

3 University of MaraghAssistant Professor, Department of Production Engineering and Plant Genetics, Faculty of Agriculture, Maragheh University, Maragheheh

4 Associate Professor, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Mahabad Branch, Islamic Azad University of Mahabad



Introduction: The correct and optimal use of land requires a detailed assessment of agricultural and ecological resources. In the present era, resource limitations and the increasing population, and consequently the increasing demand for food products, require that limited resources should be used optimally. One of the most important abilities of the geographic information system is the ability to overlap different maps of an area to reach a complete map that can be used for the desired applications. Considering the importance of wheat as a strategic product in providing human food, as well as the optimal use of available resources and the evaluation of wheat cultivation fields in line with sustainable production, this research was aimed at evaluating and zoning the lands prone to wheat cultivation in a part of Hashtrood drylands.
Methodology: This study was carried out in a part of Hashtroud city (including Zulbin, Fatah, Nazarkehrizi and Atash Bey Regions). First, the ecological needs of rainfed wheat were determined and graded using available scientific resources. Then the required thematic maps were prepared and classified. The studied environmental variables, including long-term meteorological data and soil data, were obtained from the management of agricultural jihad in Hashtroud city. Hierarchical analysis process was used to determine the weight of the criteria. After analyzing and obtaining the weights, the layers were weighted and merged together in the Geographical Information System (GIS). The classification of each layer was done in four layers based on the ecological needs of wheat.
Research findings: The results indicated that among climatic factors, topography and soil affecting wheat cultivation in the study area, the role of climatic factors were more influential, so that the weight of climatic factors affecting wheat cultivation was 0.693, the weight of soil factors was 0.22 and the weight of the topography factors were 0.087. Zoning results showed that land suitability for wheat cultivation was placed in four zones (very susceptible, susceptible, semi-susceptible and non-susceptible). Out of 130,819 hectares of the total land area, 22% were recognized as highly susceptible area, 26% as susceptible area, 27% as semi-susceptible area, and 25% as non-susceptible area for wheat cultivation. Low levels of phosphorus (less than 10 mg/kg), low minimum temperatures (around 5 C), low average temperature (less than 12 C), the altitude (more than 2000 meters above the sea levels) and the slope (above 12%) were main limiting factors for growth and production of wheat in the studied area.


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