Evaluation of rainfed barley genotypes and identification of traits related to improving grain yield

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Agricultural and Horticultural Research, Lorestan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, Agricultural Resaerch, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Khorramabad, Iran

2 Jahad-Agriculture Organization of Lorestan, Khorramabad, Iran

3 Jahad-Agriculture Center of Khorramabad, Kamalvand branch, Iran


Twelve cultivars/ breeding lines were tested on field's farms at two sites, Delfan and Khorramabad (Imanabad region), to identify the best barley genotypes and to determine characteristics related to improving grain yield, during the 2017-2018 cropping season. The mean grain yield of genotypes in the Imanabad region ranged from 2888 kg/ha (for breeding line G5) to 4500 kg/ha (Qaflan cultivar). In the Delfan region, cultivars, Qaflan and Sahand, and two breeding lines, G7 and G11, increased yields by 11, 8, 10 and 8 percent compared to control cultivar, Abidar, respectively. The results of correlation analysis and GT-biplot showed the high correlation between grain yield with BY and then DM at two sites. Therefore, BY and DH can be considered efficient selection indicators for the identification of genotypes with high performance in barley breeding under rainfed conditions. Correlation findings also showed that the positive or negative correlation between yield components, including KNS and TKW, and grain yield depended on the environment. Based on the results of this study, the Qaflan cultivar with the highest grain yield (4594 kg/ha) and earliness can be recommended in land-dry, cold and temperate-cold regions
