Preliminary evaluation of the quinoa seed yield under rainfed spring cropping in warm and temperate regions

Document Type : Research Paper


1 National Salinity Research Center, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Yazd, Iran.

2 Dryland Agricultural Research Institute, Sararood Branch, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Kermanshah, Iran


Quinoa was considered for preliminary evaluation in early spring rainfed conditions in two warm and humid and temperate climates (Sararud Kermanshah). Eleven quinoa Lines with different maturity periods was cultivated based on randomized complete block design with three replications in the Iraqi Mahaleh Research Station of Gorgan and the Research Station of the Deputy of dryland Agriculture of Sararud (Kermanshah), in 2016-2017 cropping season. The results of mean comparison in Gorgan showed that the highest seed yield (SY) was related to NSRCQ1 and NSRCQ9 lines and then NSRCQ6, which had a significant difference with NSRCQ9. The results of correlation and the main components analysis showed that the thousand seed weight (TSW) had the greatest effect on SY. The results of cluster analysis showed that the NSRCQ1 and NSRCQ9 with 194 and 209 g m-2SY and 2.5 and 2.6 gwere superior. The results of mean comparison in Sararud showed the lines yield were between 31 and 37 g m-2 and NSRCQ10 with 37 g m-2 and 1.3 ghad highest SY and TSW.In Sararud slow growth of the early stages due to the cold temperature, heat and drought at the end of the season reduced the yield and TSW and necessity for supplemental irrigation. Lack of synchronicityof heat and humidity regime of the studied lines reduced the SY in Sararud compared to Gorgan. In general, in Gorgan and areas with similar climate condition early spring cultivation with early and insensitive cultivars of quinoa to photoperiod are possible.
